Tuesday, May 14, 2013


By way of random coincidence, I happened to be in a situation for work that put me in contact with local Chief of Police, Vince D'Egidio. As we got to talking about the town, his work, and my history in the criminal justice field, I mentioned my book to him. He immediately took and interest when I told him that one of the main characters in the story was a Chief of Police. 

He asked a lot of questions about the story and it's characters and we chatted for over an hour. Then he tells me about the local newspaper, The Springfield Postmark. This local paper reaches more than 3,000 people in an around the Springfield area and every month they have a section called  "Community News" and he said he would love to write a feature article about me and my book for the May edition. Well of course I jumped, no wait, I catapulted onto this bandwagon.  

I sent him all of the information he wanted and waited... or tried to wait, patiently for May to arrive and the article to be published. I gave his department a signed copy of Harvest Moon, which he has put on display with the article in the main lobby of his station and well, his article is simply wonderful. 

Hopefully, this summer, with his continued support and enthusiasm I will be able to do a couple of local book signings and participate in some local artist events. I can hardly wait!!


For everyone who has read Harvest Moon, you know that it is a Contemporary YA book dealing with Social Issues and there is a crime element, which Chief D'Egidio mentioned comes from my educational and professional background. I will offer up this little tiny tid bit... Book #3 will be packed full of crime and legal drama. This will be the book, in the series, that ties everything together!!  

A BIG, HUGE, GIGANTIC Thank you to Chief D'Egidio and the New Middleton Police Department for recognizing a local author!!!


  1. Congratulations Megan...can't wait to read your book!!! My heart is bursting with pride to see your accomplishment...you have grown into a very successful young lady!!

    1. Thank you with all of my heart to whomever wrote this sweet comment.. I would love to know who you are. :)
